Information and Fees

There is no need to obtain a referral from your doctor in order to seek either ACC or Private physiotherapy treatments. We are a registered health provider and have ACC forms available onsite for you to complete and you are able to book with us direct.  If you are unsure or have any queries, please get in contact – we’re here to help.

ACC Claims

How does ACC work?

If your condition/injury is the result of an accident and you can describe the time, the place and the cause of the injury, we can give you an ACC claim form to complete and submit this to ACC on your behalf. Or, if you already have an existing ACC claim number, obtained through your GP, the hospital, or another healthcare provider, we can use that claim number also.  If your ACC claim is then approved, ACC will subsidise the costs of your physiotherapy treatments and you will just pay a surcharge for each visit. See below How much do I pay? for a list of our ACC surcharges.

Private Consultations

If your condition is not the result of an accident, but perhaps due to gradual wear and tear, arthritis, or is a condition you were born with, you will not be subsidised by ACC and will be charged a Private Consultation fee. See below How much do I pay? for a list of our Private Consultation fees.

How much do I pay?

ACC approved claims
Senior Physio-initial consultation surcharge$40$35
Senior Physio-followup consultation surcharge$30$25
Staff Physio-initial consultation surcharge$40$35
Staff Physio-followup consultation surcharge$30$25
Private Consultations (not ACC)
Senior Physio $85$70
Staff Physio $85$70

At Shirley – St Albans Physio Clinic our ACC surcharges and Private Consultation fees are competitive with other clinics.

Medical Insurance

If you have private medical insurance, you may be able to claim back part, or all, of your treatment costs. Please contact your insurance company to find out what your policy covers.  Should you require a receipt for claiming purposes please ask our receptionist.

Please note we accept Cash and Eftpos payments only,  unfortunately we don’t accept credit card payments.